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minyak motor bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "minyak motor"
  • minyak:    black-gold; dowser; oil; oils; gas pedal;
  • motor:    motor; powerhouse; automobile; machine;
  • motor-minyak:    oil-engine
  • motor:    motor; powerhouse; automobile; machine; motorcycle; motive; bicycle
  • motor as:    dc motcr
  • minyak:    black-gold; dowser; oil; oils; gas pedal; half-and-half dressing; throttle; naphtha; crude oil; kerosine; adipose tissue; oil colour; petroleum; gun; fossil oil; black gold; fat; fatty tissue; oil c
  • angker-motor:    motor armature
  • apogee motor:    apogee kick motor
  • balap motor:    motorcycle sport
  • balapan motor:    motor race
  • beban motor:    power-loading
  • bersepeda motor:    motorcycle
  • blok motor:    motor-block
  • bor motor:    power drill
  • daya motor:    engine-output
  • Motor oil agreement between Rosneft and Demirören Group
    Perjanjian minyak motor antara Rosneft dan Demirören Group
  • Oil immersed closed type submersible motor Contact Now
    Minyak tenggelam tertutup minyak motor tenggelam Hubungi sekarang
  • Automatic Waste Motor Oil Refinery Machine China Manufacturer
    Cina Mesin Pengilangan Minyak Motor Limbah Otomatis Produsen
  • 1. to meet the breathing of motor oil in motor
    1. untuk memenuhi pernafasan minyak motor dalam motor
  • Used motor oil refinery to diesel machine China Manufacturer
    Cina digunakan kilang minyak motor untuk mesin diesel Produsen
  • Oil pump motor Three phase asynchronous motor (380V,50HZ) 7.5kw
    Motor pompa minyak Motor asinkron tiga fase (380V, 50HZ) 7,5kw
  • It was introduced in 1974 as a Multi-grade 5W20 viscosity synthetic motor oil.
    Produk ini diperkenalkan pada tahun 1974 sebagai minyak motor sintetis kental Multi-grade 5W20.
  • One gallon of motor oil can contaminate up to 2 million gallons of water.
    Satu galon minyak motor dapat mengkontaminasi sampai 2 juta galon air.
  • Offer Motor Oil Spout Pouch,Customized Motor Oil Bags,Motor Oil Stand Up Pouch From China Manufacturer
    Menawarkan Motor Minyak Cerat Pouch, Tas Minyak Motor Disesuaikan, Motor Minyak Stand Up Pouch Dari Produsen Cina
  • Automatic Waste Motor Oil Refinery Machine Technical parameter of Automatic Waste Motor Oil Refinery Machine Model Structure
    Mesin Pengilangan Minyak Motor Limbah Otomatis Parameter teknis dari Mesin Pengilangan Minyak Otomatis Limbah Motor Model Structure
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